As usual I've been reading lots, listening to what I can, and watching things every day to make sure I have some great recommendations for you. Of course it doesn't hurt that all this stuff is entertaining and I get to have fun while doing it. So here's what I've been reading, listening to, and watching over the last few weeks.
Last time I wrote I was reading Don't Tell Presley by John Locke and I have since finished that book. I moved on to book 5 in the Dani Ripper series entitled Abbey Rayne. I have enjoyed reading through this series of books, although I did notice a theme in that they're mostly about rape cases. Don't get me wrong, they're good books, but a varying theme would've been better. There's one more in the series so I'll be finished with them soon. I have a list of new books I want to read and will hopefully get on with them just as fast.
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.
George R.R. Martin
Over the last few weeks I've been through a phase of listening to musicals. I've had Miss Saigon, Moulin Rouge, and Love Never Dies playing while I work. I've also listened to the Glee Soundtrack - all seasons. Then there's Netflix and the documentaries. I haven't watched them but I have them on while I'm working so I listen rather than watch. In the Unsolved Mysteries I remember hearing about various cases in the Tsunami in Japan - it was an interesting thing to listen to. Have you watched or listened to any of the Unsolved Mysteries?
The Hubby and I have finished watching Lost - a brilliant TV series that never fails to make me cry at the end. I can't believe how long it's been since it was on TV! Lost is one of those shows we have on while doing something else, like playing games on the iPad or cross-stitching and so we needed to replace Lost with something in that same category. We choose shows we've seen enough times that we don't need to "watch" but are still entertained by the vocals. We settled on Red Dwarf and are currently working our way through it. Being a short series from the BBC I don't think it'll last very long but it'll do for now.
Another category we have is things we sit and watch, but something shorter than a movie. For this we've got Glee at the moment and we're heading towards the end but still have a while to go. Glee is great, it's mostly light-hearted and has loads of music we love.
A star is a star, it doesn’t matter where in the sky I shine.
Santana, Glee
Then of course there's the weekend movies and the last couple of weekends we watched Music and Lyrics starring Hugh Grant and Drew Barrymore, and Hot Fuzz starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost - both these we watched with the kids. They loved Music and Lyrics - because like us they love anything with music (and have seen loads of movies starring Drew Barrymore). They enjoyed Hot Fuzz too but as it's a bit more action-packed it was a bit different to normal for them. Once the kids went to bed the Hubby and I watched Moulin Rouge with Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor one weekend, then The Great Gatsby starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Toby Maguire the following weekend. Both these movies were directed by Baz Lurhman, one of our favourite directors. He's done some amazing movies but these two stand out in both style and music - I can't wait for his next one.
Well that's it for this instalment of Reading, Listening, Watching.
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